COVID-19 Policy

Welcome to The Fives lakefront property. We place the health of our tenants and their guests at the forefront of all we do. That’s why, along with local and state regulations, we ask everyone in our building to be aware of and follow these safety measures:

  • All touchpoints in common areas, such as elevator buttons, door handles and restrooms will receive extra and thorough sanitizing daily 

  • Hand sanitizer stations are available for use throughout the building

  • Mandatory temperature checks will be conducted at the main entrance for anyone entering the building

  • Mandatory masks and gloves worn by building staff

  • We request building tenants and their guests wear masks in common/public areas of the building, in accordance with the state mandate by Ohio’s governor and recommendations by the CDC 

We welcome you to The Fives lakefront property and thank you for adhering to these COVID-19 policies.